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Anti-Piracy Intelligence & Investigation Services

Whatever your content – live sports, linear, or on-demand – you need timely, reliable, actionable digital piracy intelligence to protect it.

Take Anti-Piracy to the Next Level With Data Intelligence You Can Rely On

When pirate networks are repeatedly dismantled, reliability becomes an issue. Subscribers will eventually turn to legitimate media and entertainment providers to access the content they want. NAGRAVISION provides you with the data intelligence you need to dismantle the pirate enterprises, recover lost revenues, and broadcast a clear message that digital piracy is not a business model that pays. 

NAGRAVISION’s Anti-Piracy Intelligence and Investigation services helps your internal anti-piracy teams reach their objectives. Gain timely intelligence to support efforts to identify, prioritize, and track pirates, technical information to understand operational footprints, and full legal support for successful prosecutions.

Boost Your Anti-Piracy Team’s Performance

Partnering with NAGRAVISION can help empower your team to work faster and more efficiently, discovering and capturing more pirates by prioritizing team efforts based on impact. Benefit from over 30 years of experience and support of our five core services.

1. Comprehensive Intelligence Gathering

Understand piracy and the evolving tools, techniques, and procedures that pirates use. NAGRAVISION anonymously and forensically sources, tests, and analyzes pirate services to keep pace with the evolving landscape.

2. Full Ecosystem Analysis

Develop a true understanding of the extent and maturity of the pirate organization that is targeting you, thanks to in-depth analysis of the roles of the individuals and organizations involved in running the illegal services.

3. Legal Advisory Services

Take the right legal course of action. With full support from lawyers and investigators to draft cease and desist letters or create legal briefs, NAGRAVISION will assess legal routes and file the necessary criminal or civil complaints on your behalf.

4. Law Enforcement Support

Benefit from full-cycle legal support until a judgement is reached. We’ll partner with you in everything from raids, witness hearings and interviews, to participation in ‘knock and talk’ operations.

5. Training Services

We share our evolving expertise with like-minded anti-piracy partners. We provide educational services for law enforcement organizations on piracy practices and the associated technology landscape.

The Battle Against Piracy Is Winnable When We Work Together

We have honed our experience to create an industry-leading service that is recognized the world over. Our focus is – and always has been – on collaboration. We work with law enforcement agencies, intelligence networks, coalitions of anti-piracy companies, and a broad range of like-minded media and entertainment organizations to stop the piracy momentum and reverse the trend.

30+ Years’ Experience

NAGRAVISION has over 30 years’ experience in leading and supporting legal work against pirates. Our Anti-Piracy Intelligence and Legal services are designed to support teams that already have active anti-piracy programs. We follow a simple four-step approach to deliver clear and robust evidence that can be used in a court of law.


Identify pirate service of interest

Pirate Service


Support law enforcement & legal action

Enforcement Strategy

Anti-Piracy Intelligence and Investigation Services


Undertake analysis & investigations

Technical Analysis



Generate reports & enforcement strategy

Investigation Report



Anti-Piracy Intelligence and Investigation Services



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