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Chaos on the Court: Navigating Disruption in the Media and Entertainment Industry


In our latest blog, Rafael Rivera shares thoughts on the importance of creating value and protecting that value across the media and entertainment distribution chain.

The media industry, often regarded as one of the most dynamic and innovative sectors, is no stranger to chaos.  However, recent developments and shifts are making the entertainment world more difficult to navigate for all parties involved.

For a recent example, one needs to look no further than the US Open tennis event.  Due to standoffs over tournament broadcast rights, the matches have not been available at hotels where some of the event participants are staying in New York.  As reported in a recent Insider article, some players not wanting to miss a match are considering alternatives via the internet, such as pirate sites.  This is quite the statement given that the broadcast rights in some part, must fund the prize money for the actual tournament.

Toss in the current writers’ strike, the rise of digital piracy, content aggregation, cost reduction measures, and expanding reach through innovative technologies, and it’s clear the industry faces a series of challenges.  In other words, we have a bit of chaos in the media and entertainment court.

In this blog, we’ll delve into some of these disruptive forces and how NAGRA is helping the industry navigate the disruption.  And if you’re attending this year’s IBC event, schedule a meeting to see our solutions in action at Hall 1, Stand C81.

Safeguarding valuable assets from piracy

Despite efforts to crack down against illegal TV streaming services, pirate IPTV is a growing market driven by strong consumer demand (as evidenced even by pro tennis players).  New players are entering the market, and thanks to advances in technology, launching illegitimate streaming services is as easy as

opening a laptop (see our recent infographic on the impact of the “Diabolical Dozen” top piracy reseller groups in just the US and North America).

Among the most effective ways to combat piracy – robust intelligence.  These valuable insights into the pirate ecosystem — from the actors involved to the broader technology estate give the industry the knowledge required to take effective action.

Equally, the risks of content leaks during production and post-production are as high as for content distribution.  Here, NAGRA Anti-Piracy Intelligence solutions deliver unprecedented holistic views and actionable business insights to drive down piracy with unique technology integrations.  As the first company to provide secure forensic watermarking directly from the camera and the first to integrate forensic watermarking into Eluvio’s global blockchain Fabric for premium content, NAGRA brings on-set and off-set production and post-production content security sharply into focus.

Aggregation beyond video

Some industry players looking to forge their own path through the disruption are extending their footprints beyond video to include new digital experiences – such as gaming and broader lifestyle services — to facilitate consumers’ increasingly connected digital lifestyles.  The NAGRA OpenTV Video Platform can make this vision of the future by monetizing service aggregation, addressing new business models, and delivering customer experiences underpinned by AI and behavior-based analytics.

Reducing costs and extending reach

Many operators face the challenge of providing subscribers with more value while increasing market share and revenues, reducing capital expenses, and maintaining a competitive advantage through innovation.  To minimize subscriber acquisition costs, securing apps that persist in prime position on the home screen of a connected TV is essential.  TVkey Cloud, a joint venture from NAGRA and Samsung, is proven to secure new subscribers and extend reach across the connected TV landscape.

Innovating for tomorrow’s consumer today

The consumer is king.  The mission is to delight subscribers by breaking down barriers, eliminating complexity, and enabling seamless digital engagement across infinite services.  Giving subscribers the power to manage their connected worlds, NAGRA is helping operators leverage their networks beyond quad-play to become true digital experience providers.  At IBC, we will share the latest innovations that take content aggregation to the next level by enabling a more immersive, personalized, and consistent consumer experience with embedded loyalty, digital and financial services, all available as a single platform.

NAGRA also helps to empower consumers inside and outside of the home.  Broadband service providers have an opportunity to ensure digital privacy and security for their subscribers’ hyper-connected world with value-added services that increase subscriber loyalty and improve operational efficiency.  NAGRA Scout safeguards consumers from smart home cyber threats and gives them the power to shape their internet experience.  For operators, NAGRA Scout delivers security and insights that can help to shape future network investments.

We’re excited to see our customers and partners at IBC!  Meet with us to learn more about how NAGRA can help you “Navigate the Disruption,” identify new opportunities, and secure your future and your vision. Or meet with us in person, at IBC in Amsterdam (15th – 18th September) in Hall 1, stand C.81! Book a meeting with us today!