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Generative AI: Friend or Foe of the Media & Entertainment Industry?


In our latest blog Tim Pearson considers Generative AI and the opportunities it presents as well as some of the challenges it can cause for media, entertainment and telecoms providers.

Barely a day passes without Generative AI appearing in the headlines.  Its role as an emerging technology enjoying mass-market adoption across multiple industries means that this shouldn’t be a surprise. It has massive potential to make today’s connected lifestyles more efficient than ever and one thing is clear: it is here to stay. However, most of the headlines it draws focus on the negative aspects.   

Recently, it was claimed that a voice likeness used by a widely accessible AI engine was too similar to a living person who had previously said they didn’t want to be involved. Given the wealth of content available on the open internet and the sophistication available via mass-market available AI engines, illicit actors can pretty much make anyone do or say anything.  To unpack this further means that content providers now run the risk of AI edits of their latest blockbuster becoming distributed as genuine.  Perhaps the creation of an additional scene that harms the original work or the distribution of a clip that shows content not actually part of the movie.  All could cause brand damage and impact revenues. But how easy is it to spot a ‘genuine fake’? 

Spotting ‘Genuine Fakes’ 

I first heard the term ‘genuine fake’ by a street seller on a Greek island many years ago when I was looking for a pair of sunglasses and it has stuck with me!  Its meaning suggests that those who knowingly rip-off brands and content, do it with intent.   While I declined the sunglasses offer, today we’re faced with a sea of such content flooding across social and other news media.  And, with 49% of the world’s population heading for the polls in 2024 the likelihood of encountering it is highly likely. 

At NAGRA, our market-leading engineers have been creating solutions to validate the authenticity of our customers’ valuable content libraries.  At the recent NAB show in Las Vegas and Broadcast Asia in Singapore, we demonstrated how our audio forensic watermarking can be used to detect deepfake content.  This represents an exciting new chapter where we’re responding to a need to extend beyond content protection to also preserve and secure content authenticity. 

But generative AI can also deliver immense value.  So, while we’re combatting the negative uses of generative AI, our teams are also harnessing its power to enhance the value delivered by our solutions in areas such as customer experience. 

Generative AI – A Powerful Ally 

Aside from the challenges presented by AI in content creation, what’s also interesting to see is how AI is being used to improve the customer experience.  From personalized recommendations to providing the latest in always-on customer support, generative AI has several roles to play.  These include improving operational efficiency, troubleshooting, advising on cyber and piracy threats, augmenting analytic insight or dynamically optimizing user experiences.  For example, our streaming platform, OpenTV, offers live AI-based ad replacement, personalized recommendations and efficient metadata creation to drive the next generation of user experience. 

In terms of customer experience, a recent McKinsey report discussed why AI-enabled customer service is key to being able to scale telco personalization.  It argued that “there is a strong correlation between customer experience and retention—with overlap as high as 80 to 90 percent in some markets. Even if a telco’s prices are the lowest available, customers reeling from poor customer experience, faulty connectivity, or surprise charges on their bills are unlikely to respond well to any marketing campaign.” 

Looking at these specific aspects has informed the NAGRA team’s strategy about how to best address this market need for both a customer experience that drives engagement but also a customer service solution that extends a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints – including the contact center. 

Always-On Customer Support 

In a highly dynamic market such as ours, complex propositions that offer a rich mix of solutions and services, require coherent support to ensure that the customer experience is maintained, churn risks are mitigated, and revenues maximized. 

NAGRA teams have identified that 60% of calls hitting the average contact center concern billing explanation and are formulaic in style.  Working with strategic partner AWS and their latest LLMs, the NAGRA Insight Negotiation Agent provides our customers with an autonomous customer support solution across voice and chat.  The solution responds directly to subscriber requests in natural language and can make changes to a subscriber’s package without the need to speak to an agent unless necessary.  If this is required, the solution then connects them seamlessly.  Able to explain details on a bill, specific line items or charges in dispute, the solution is trained to respond in the customer’s brand style/ tone of voice to ensure a consistent customer experience. Through this solution NAGRA customers can resolve issues faster, improve customer satisfaction scores and when deployed at scale, realize significant revenue and cost benefits allowing contact center agents to focus on complex cases. Learn more about the solution in our latest ebook: Data to Dollars: How LLM and AI-Based Technology Optimize Revenue and Reduce Call Center Costs.

Secure Your Future. Secure Your Vision. 

At NAGRA, innovation is our DNA. Embracing the latest technologies in ways that deliver value for our customers has driven our solution development for the last 30 years and will continue to do so.  While generative AI will undoubtedly continue to undergo growing pains and while it’s incumbent on the whole industry to ensure that its moral code is correctly set, its role as a complement to existing technologies makes it an exciting space to be involved with. 

To learn more about our latest solutions and how they’re using generative AI to deliver actionable business insight, get in touch.  Our locally based solution experts are looking forward to continuing the conversation!