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Subscriber Loyalty Solutions

Do you know what your subscribers will do next? Churn after a price increase? Move to a pirate service? Regrade? Get the answers you need to maximize tenure with media subscriber loyalty solutions powered by AI.

Engage and Retain Subscribers With Focused, Easily Accessible Insight

Choice seems an unlikely threat. But in a market where consumers have infinite options, choice has created new dynamics that are disrupting the status quo. Subscribers are less tolerant of lengthy contract lock-ins and are demanding a more flexible approach to their service, which lets them build their own entertainment propositions from multiple streaming services.

As a media and entertainment provider, flexibility is critical for increasing brand loyalty. And understanding consumer behavior is key. When you truly understand your subscribers, you can provide a flexible service and build relationships that last.

NAGRAVISION offers subscriber loyalty solutions that improve retention, combat churn, and are optimized for both your business and the consumer. Powered by machine learning and AI, our solutions give you true visibility into the value your subscribers demand and provide deep subscriber personalization with near-certain accuracy.

Subscriber Loyalty Solutions

NAGRA Insight Smart Pricing

Use AI-fueled digital twinning technology to understand consumer behavior and simulate pricing intervention scenarios that improve retention and combat churn. Identify the value your subscribers seek and see how to build it into future offers.

NAGRA Insight Negotiation Agent

Use an ultra-smart virtual agent that delivers deep subscriber personalization. Predict consumer actions – right from the first question and gain assurance that the advice given is optimized both for the subscriber and for your business.

Anti-Piracy Intelligence & Investigation Services

Get the intelligence to identify, prioritize, and track pirate and cybercrime activity. Understand their operational ecosystems, get legal support for successful prosecutions, and convert pirate subscribers into legitimate subscribers.


True Visibility Is a Game Changer


Revenue uplift over 3 years


Personalized proposals generated per month


Data sources conflated to create subscriber digital twins


Data points ingested every week per module deployed


Intelligence Designed for the Media and Entertainment Industry

We have more than 30 years of intelligence experience in the media and entertainment industry. We leverage our rich repository of case files to ensure user-behavior models are highly relevant to the industry.

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